Friday 14 December 2012

My thoughts on Comprehensive Assessment Youtube Video

The video reminded me of the days in my primary and secondary schools where the teachers would love to give us tests/quizzes/ monthly exams. We were trained to be exam-oriented. Because of that, we were always pressured to be prepared for those exams. Furthermore, most teachers focused on the products rather than the progresses of our learning. What they wanted were we producing grade-A answers and not focusing on what we have learned throughout the whole teaching and learning process.  

This is why i think PBS is better in assessing the students’ abilities and performance as it needs students to apply what they have learnt on hands-on activities. Students have to understand that teachers cannot spoon-feed them all the time. Thus, they have to learn to do the project by themselves. The teachers are there to guide and facilitate them. I’m not saying that traditional testing brings no good. If only both traditional testing and PBS can complement each other, it would be better, for the sake of our new generations.

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